Commercial motor vehicle inspectors in the U.S. placed 1,151 vehicles out of service because of brake violations during a one-day inspection effort in May.
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance said authorities in the U.S. inspected 8,658 vehicles during its annual Brake Safety Day May 26.
In Canada, Mexico and the U.S. conducted a total of 10,091 inspections and placed 1,273 vehicles out of service for brake-related violations. During the one-day enforcement effort:
- The brake-related out-of-service rate for all of North America was 12.6%.
- The U.S. brake-violation out-of-service rate was 13.3%. In Canada, the rate was 11.4% and in Mexico, the rate was 2.9%.
- In Canada, 946 inspections were conducted. In Mexico, inspectors conducted 487 inspections, and in the U.S., 8,658 inspections were conducted.
- Fourteen vehicles were removed from roadways in Mexico for brake violations. In Canada, 108 vehicles were placed out of service for brake violations, and in the U.S., 1,151 vehicles had to be removed from roadways due to brake violations.
- Category 1 violations were defined as brake hose/tubing wear that had extended into the outer protective material. Thirty-eight percent (664) of brake hose chafing violations met that definition. This is not an out-of-service condition.
- A category 2 violation means wear had extended through the brake hose/tubing outer protective material into the outer rubber cover. Thirty percent (509) of brake hose chafing violations were category 2. Category 2 violations are not out-of-service conditions.
- When the brake hose/tubing wear makes the reinforcement ply visible, but the ply is still intact, that is a category 3 violation. Sixteen percent (275) of brake hose chafing violations were category 3. This is not an out-of-service condition.
- A category 4 violation is when the reinforcement ply is visible and the ply is completely frayed, severed or cut through. Ten percent (169) of brake hose chafing violations were category 4. Vehicles with category 4 chafed hose conditions were placed out of service.
- Brake hose/tubing wear for category 5 violations extended through the reinforcement ply to the inner rubber layer. Six percent (108) of brake hose chafing violations were identified as category 5, which is an out-of-service condition.
In addition, inspectors compiled and reported data specifically on brake hoses/tubing, the focus area for this year’s Brake Safety Day. Canada, Mexico and the U.S. reported a total of 1,725 brake hoses/tubing violations. Broken out by country: Canada reported 251 chafing violations, Mexico reported 186 and the U.S. reported 1,288.
CVSA asked inspectors to submit data on five different brake hose/tubing chafing violations:
Brake Safety Day is the alliance’s unannounced brake safety initiative. However, CVSA also holds Brake Safety Week each year and announces those dates publicly well in advance. This year’s Brake Safety Week is scheduled for Aug. 22-28.
Brake Safety Day and Brake Safety Week are part of CVSA’s Operation Airbrake program in partnership with the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, and Mexico’s Ministry of Communications and the National Guard.