Egypt, gasoline prices and pickup truck sales

The straw that breaks foreign oil’s grip on the US?
What will the price of gasoline be in 2012?
By December 2012 the price of gasoline in the US should average about $3.29, with the places like California running about 25 cents higher according to the …

Driver of the Month

Image with no titleImage with no titleImage with no titleDart driver Randy Peterson has training simulator and 41 years of experience in tow.


Image with no titleImage with no titleImage with no titleTruckers weigh in on BMI, CSA, the hours-of-service proposal and more.

Paper Cut

Image with no titleImage with no titleImage with no titleMany electronic log users say the devices are making life easier, but others anticipate the annoying sting of Big Brother.

Paper Cut

Image with no titleImage with no titleImage with no titleMany electronic log users say the devices are making life easier, but others anticipate the annoying sting of Big Brother.