GM Delivers 321 Volts to Nissan’s 87 Leafs in January

The Chevy Volt and the Nissan Leaf are two very different vehicles competing for a similar class of customers. So far though, the Volt is leading the Leaf in sales by a 3-to-1 margin in U.S. sales.
Nissan executives have already admitted to botching th…

Plastic card holder

Image with no titleImage with no titleImage with no titleThe 30-gauge, clear vinyl Fleet VisorWallet card holder features a 1-in. wide elastic strap to keep it securely attached to the visor.  The holder is designed to be visible from the front of the visor or hidden on the back, can be custom printed with driver instructions or fleet service information and includes color straps.
RNR […]

City Council: No new shipyard at Los Angeles port

The City Council has rejected a plan to build a new shipyard near the Port of Los Angeles, saying it would complicate a more urgent project to widen the channel to accommodate super-sized container vessels The Los Angeles Times reports the council vote…

Trucker dies in accident

The accident occurred around 6:15pm on January 31. The truck was returning to the Labour camp at Lingmithang with workers who escaped with minor injuries.

Do tax credits for hybrids and/or plug-ins really make sense?

100 mpg+, but not worthy of a $7500 tax credit?
The legacy of oil dependence
If there is one thing that really worries me about the auto industry and foreign oil dependence, it’s the legacy effect. Quite simply, it takes decades to replace the current …

Carpooling Declines 50% Since 1980

I’m lucky enough not to have a work commute, though I know many people do. What I can’t explain is why carpooling has declined 50% since 1980, even as traffic gets worse and gas gets more expensive. What gives?
It seems that back in the 1970’s, a…

Hyundai introduces Korea’s first CNG hybrid bus

The Blue-City CNG hybrid bus. Click to enlarge.

Hyundai Motor Company, South Korea’s largest automaker, unveiled the nation’s first CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) hybrid bus, “Blue-City”. This is the first time a major automaker inde…